Daniel [ 2022-Oct-24 – 2023-May-18 (6 months, 26 days) ]

Daniel is a classic character that ever worked in Maxpak and is one of it’s kind.

He often talked about what if this and that and give hypothetical scenarios. Things he like and don’t like and sometimes takes offence on certain views. He also claims to be strong and can tip a pallet on it’s own.

He seems to do the kicking gesture when seeing other people and sometimes may accidently “offend” other people.

He also doing other random push ups and ripping off part of his hi vis vest and loves soul food.

He loves Hip-Hop music with lots of foul words, Lo-Fi and little bit of EDM but never actually herd him playing it. Mostly consist of soul msuic.

His infamous catchphrase is “DIZ NUTS…”

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Maxpak Rocks is all about past workers and their unfortunate demise. Maxpak only values person based on performance, ego, behavior etc

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